


在Simplot, 成为土地的好管家不仅仅是我们业务的核心——这只是我们应该做的正确的事情. 可持续的土地利用和自然资源保护对于满足当今不断增长的人口和子孙后代的全球粮食需求至关重要.

我们的 story begins with 土壤健康 and nutrient stewardship: caring for the lands that feed us. 作为一家以马铃薯生产为基础的公司, we continually strive to find new ways of growing better food. Whether we use the land for agriculture or mining, we take enhanced measures for reclamation and conservation as we work.




Advance Best Practices through 4Rs Nutrient Stewardship

Simplot支持并参与 4R营养管理计划. 该项目推广减少土壤养分流失的最佳做法,旨在提高效率,同时加强环境保护和可持续发展工作. It’s an approach that encourages the use of the right fertilizer source, 以合适的速度, 在适当的时候, 在正确的地方.

The 4Rs framework helps us maximize production while respecting our resources. 例如, 位于华盛顿哥伦比亚河流域的Simplot Grandview农场表明,目前的养分施用比10年前至少提高了15%的效率, 提高了产量和质量. 我们很自豪能被认可为 4 r倡导者


Through collaboration with other industry leaders, Simplot helped establish a 杰出教授 in 土壤健康 for potato cropping systems at Washington State University. This position will direct research into healthier, 为马铃薯产业提供更肥沃的土壤, 解决需要更多地了解微生物和土壤的物理性质如何影响马铃薯健康, 质量和产量.

Simplot还通过与明尼苏达大学的特种作物研究倡议(SCRI)赠款参与了马铃薯土壤健康项目. 该项目的总体目标是确定如何最好地衡量马铃薯种植系统的土壤健康, 确定工具(覆盖作物), 土壤改良剂, rotation schemes) that best enhance both 土壤健康 and tuber production, 并将研究结果告知马铃薯种植者.



We continuously strive to improve potato sustainability through agronomic, 土壤健康, and a variety of research and best practice implementation.

Innovate New Potato Varieties for the Environment

We invest in potato research and development to minimize disease, 提高产量, 减少农药, enhance safety and provide more environmental sustainability. One way we are doing this is through our variety research and development, including 先天®技术. 先天马铃薯通过增强性状,如减少黑斑挫伤,为马铃薯产业提供了显著的十大赌博靠谱信誉平台优势, 这意味着更少的土豆被包装商拒绝, 加工者和消费者导致更少的浪费. 减少黑斑瘀伤缺陷, fewer resources can be used to achieve the same yield, which means farmers generate fewer CO2 emissions while using less water and pesticides. 我们的 conventional variety research and development also looks for the best tasting, most efficient and resilient potato our 客户 expect.

Partner in the 马铃薯十大赌博靠谱信誉平台 Alliance (PSA)

Simplot是 PSA, which takes a full value-chain approach to sustainability in partnership with over 600 growers, while fostering collaboration and innovation within the industry. PSA implements an on-farm sustainability framework, which addresses sustainability issues that can be resolved by growers independently on the farm. PSA also develops a 十大赌博靠谱信誉平台 Assessment tool that measures greenhouse gas emissions, 灌溉效率, 水的质量, 土壤健康, integrated pest management and farmer 繁荣.

根据PSA, “当你吃一个可持续发展的土豆, 你是在支持一个农民和整个社区,支持他们对环境保护的承诺.”



作为一家垂直整合的公司, Simplot has a part in every aspect of food production, 从给我们提供磷矿用来为我们的作物生产肥料的矿山到你餐盘上的食物. 我们将继续投资于这项研究, technologies and best practices for land restoration and reclamation.

集成并发 回收

土地 is reclaimed concurrent with the mining process: as one area is actively mined, 以前开采的区域被回收. Reclaiming mined land with the required mitigations, salvaged topsoil and native plants aligns with our Simplot Core Value of Respect for 资源. 我们决心尽快将我们的公共土地恢复到正常的栖息地,为当地的野生动物和未来的娱乐提供机会. We contribute information to the annual sustainability report for our industry: 矿业 the Essentials: Essential nutrients to feed the world.

Monitor and Manage for Reclamation Success at Smoky Canyon

At our Smoky Canyon mine, Simplot follows strict, site-specific approval requirements set by U.S. Federal government agencies such as the Bureau of 土地 Management and the U.S. 林务局. These agencies require Simplot to reclaim mining areas as we go, placing protective soil covers and planting vegetation. We also mitigate land disturbance by enhancing 栖息地 areas in and around the mine site. 超出了这些基本的监管要求, Simplot进行了额外的工作,以确保土壤和植被覆盖系统能够按计划开垦土地, 在采矿期间和采矿后实施详细的环境调查和强有力的监测计划. This process helps address and reduce potential risks to important resources such as wildlife, 渔业, 栖息地, 以及地下水和地表水.

Restore the Yankee Fork of the Salmon River – for Fish and for History

2017年,J.R. Simplot公司 and other organizations received the U.S. 林务局’s highest honor – the Chiefs Honor Award. 该奖项旨在表彰一项为期五年的合作努力,旨在恢复爱达荷州东部鲑鱼河洋基叉的水道和鱼类栖息地. 我们还致力于解决历史采矿作业的影响,并得到了美国环境保护署的认可.S. 林务局.




我们的 goal: Embrace innovations for improved, more sustainable beef and crop production.

在美国的合伙人.S. 可持续牛肉圆桌会议

Simplot很自豪能成为 U.S. 可持续牛肉圆桌会议.

箴mote Cover Crops and 箴vide for Pollinators

Simplot has several products that keep 土壤健康y and encourage the presence of pollinators. Simplot为恢复养分的覆盖作物提供种子,帮助种植者使用更少的肥料,同时减少侵蚀和土壤流失. Simplot的传粉器混合物已在南加州的酿酒厂使用,用于为当地植物授粉,同时鼓励客户和游客留下来享受野生动物.

Simplot is a member of the Conservation Technology Information Center (CTIC). CTIC使用一种名为OpTIS(操作耕作信息系统)的工具,该工具使用卫星图像来调查保护性耕作和覆盖作物的利用情况. This information allows us to see how cover crops are being used in the field.



作为 酷农场联盟, 我们颂扬它的多方利益相关者, 科学的方法为可持续农业指标和使用提供行业平台. 通过提供一个公共平台, growers anywhere in the world can learn more about their part in the planet’s climate. As a company that touches every part of the agriculture and food supply, Simplot is uniquely positioned to act where it matters most. We joined the 酷农场联盟 to help quantify and focus those points of action over time.


4Sight 2030目标


我们的商业惯例, 产品和服务有助于带来经济价值,维持我们的农业社区和土地. 
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